Thursday, July 7, 2011

Photo Gallery: Thumb nails needed to stay visible and not disappear.

Please tell me how I can use the latest version of your photo gallery so it
works such that my thumb nails never disappear or go away no matter how I
move my mouse. Some of my users will become confused if the thumbs
disappear when they move the mouse onto the main image.


1. Disable carousel autohide:

User interface => View Mode tab => Carousel => Carousel Panel Auto Hide

2. Also you can disable description (and use captions instead as a short description)

User interface => View Mode tab => Image => Show Image Description

Friday, June 10, 2011

Photo Gallery: multiple galleries

I have read the blog & faq and I am still confused, I am not a very
technical person so an idiot help would be gratefully received.
I have created gallery1 with pictures & thumbnails and that is fine. The
problem I have is on my new page I insert the gallery to start my second
gallery and I have the content of gallery1.
What is confusing me is what I enter and what option I need to use an
example would be really helpful.

Thank you for your help - by the way I think your product is really good.


first of all make sure you are using the latest gallery from our website.

If you insert several galleries in different pages but in the same folder,
they can rewrite the same configuration files.
So the gallery user interface shows up the window with 3 options:

- Use another names for config files,
- Change names manually,
- Use the same names.

If you select first option and click OK,
the gallery will have unique configuration files and you will be able
to make completely different galleries.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Flash image maximum size and thumbnail image size

I would like to know how I can get my thumbnail picture to be larger?
Also, when I view my pictures the picture is "cut off". Is there a maximum
size that I need my pictures to be at?



1. Flash image gallery User Interface => Gallery tab => Size => Thumbnail Height and Thumbnail Width

2. Flash player cutting off very big images, the maximum size is 2800 x 2800 px.
